Home Maintenance List for Spring and Summer

summer and spring cleaning checklist
To everything there is a season and taking care of planned maintenance in each season can free up your time and save bundles of money. Take advantage of spring and summer weather to care for outside maintenance.


Time to repair any damage from the winter and prepare for the summer. One of the keys to spring maintenance is to be aware of any water issues.

spring cleaning checklistInspect the roof for damage or leaks. Water that finds a way into your home may find it’s way across ceilings and inside interior walls causing expensive damage. Look for signs of water or have a professional check it out.

Clean out gutters and repair if necessary. Rainwater needs to be carried away from the house. After a rain, look for puddles and low areas where water lays or will flow toward your foundation. We want to prevent this from occurring. Also standing water is a breeding place for mosquitoes.

Trim or prune trees that can fall and damage your house or interfere with power lines. Even healthy branches that hang over the house can provide a pathway for bugs and beasties. Also check for vines that are seeking entrance into your home. They can find tiny spaces around windows and between bricks and then move in. As they grow, they can displace bricks and crack walls. Tree roots are also sneaky and left alone can damage foundations, drains, and even move sidewalks and driveways. Plants that are too large or dead plants and shrubs should be removed from around your home. Make sure not to leave low areas to collect water.

Take a look at the exterior of your home. Water that has collected in the siding or other small spaces may have frozen over the winter and expanded causing cracks. Check for paint chipping and look for holes between bricks. Small holes can easily be filled with caulking. Clean and repair window screens and any vents. It’s spring and there are a lot of creatures looking for a great place to live. Unless they pay for room and board, don’t let them in.

Have your air conditioner serviced and be ready for the heat.

Make a list of projects you would like to take care of during the coming year. Plan a tentative schedule and prioritize. This will help you to watch for the supplies and take advantage of sales or services.

It sounds like a lot to do but if you keep up with the inspections and nip things in the bud it will save you a lot of time later.


Spend a little time at the beginning of summer taking care of the house and then enjoy summer activities knowing all is well!

Insects: It’s the little things in summer that we are watching for, those bugs that really bug us. Termites, carpenter bees, ants, and many more are looking for entrance into your home. Remove opportunity. Clean out wood that touches soil and your foundation. Keep debris, wood stacks and such away from your home. Look for signs or have an exterminator come and check.

summer cleaning

Bathrooms and Kitchens: Spend a rainy Saturday checking your bathroom and kitchen tile walls, under sinks, and around spigots. Don’t forget to clean those little filters/aerators in the faucets.

Outside vents: Check outside while the dryer is running to make sure your dryer vent is not blocked. Other vents and exhaust should be inspected and cleaned or repaired. These are places bugs, small rodents, and snakes find entrance into your home. Make sure your exhausts are exit only.

Clean the garage: This is the big one. Clean out the garage and organize things for summer fun. Put away snow shovels and blowers. Make a place for sports equipment and outdoor games. Make sure bicycles have a parking spot and they are not blocking pathways. Fill a bucket with car cleaning supplies and keep them together. Prevent messes in the car, garage, and house by placing a trashcan between where you exit the car and enter the house. When you get out of the car, take the trash and put it in the trashcan.

Decks, Patios, and Balconies: Check these areas to make sure they are safe and secure first. Make sure supports and beams are strong and not rotted. Check for loose boards or patio blocks. Clean and determine any other maintenance required. Painting or staining will help prolong the life and improve appearances.

Outside Faucets and Hoses: Check outside spigots and hoses for leaks. A drippy hose that is seldom used can run up a water bill over the summer. Be aware too, of wet spots in your yard from possible water pipes coming into your home and sewer or septic leaks.

Have a fun and safe summer.

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